We meet once a month on the second Tuesday of the month, in the local Church of England parish church. We are not a religious group, but we hope that our meetings serve as some sort of outreach to the local community. Most of our members, (all ladies of course!), are now retired but that is not a requirement!
In January and July, we go out for lunch together. In April we have our Annual General Meeting when we elect the officers for the coming year.
Just before Christmas we invite the ladies from the local Catholic church to join us for carols and mince pies.
At all the other meetings we aim to have a speaker on a variety of subjects - we have had slide shows, power point presentations, craft demonstrations, quizzes, talks by our Fire Brigade (complete with fire engine) and others too numerous to mention.
If anyone is interested in coming along to see whether they might like to join us they will be very welcome.
There is a small annual subscription and we pay £1 at each meeting. We always have tea/coffee and a biscuit!
Our monthly meeting is held in the
Church of England parish church
The Church of the Holy Spirit
Clittaford Road
Southway, Plymouth