Since 1978 I have performed as a Belly Dancer/teacher, Tarot Reader, Snake Oracle, Snake Dancer, Snake meet and greet, have run educational presentations at parties and events for all age groups and worked as a dancer all over the UK and abroad, I have danced and presented snakes on many TV appearances.
In 1996 I began taking in peoples unwanted pet snakes there are usually about 30/40 living in Snakey Sue's Serpent Sanctuary - there is no funding for animal rescue projects so when the snakes come to live here the friendly ones go out to work to sustain all of the others. I have been told that I have a brilliant way of getting people over their fears and phobias concerning snakes, most people realise when they handle them that they are actually therapeutic. Talk demonstration from 1hour
Our fees are from £60 plus 45p per mile from my postcode CO123LH - I live at Harwich, North Essex
We are available most of the time and we don't mind filling in a sudden cancellation at short notice.
See my website for more information.